Can You Repair Damaged Hair?

Have you ever looked at your hair to admire it but then came across those annoying splits and see-through ends? Maybe your hair also feels rough and won’t hold moisture even after styling it. Both scenarios can mean that you have dry, damaged hair that needs to be taken care of.
Many people run to the Internet in a panic to search for products that can revert their damage, however, there are no magical products out there that can make your hair healthy again. Once it’s damaged, there’s no going back.
Although there are remedies that can temporarily save your length, the best thing to do is cut it off completely or trim the damage over time by transitioning.
Transitioning to Healthy Hair
If you don’t want to cut all of your damage off at once, then transitioning is your best option. This will allow you to keep your length while slowly getting rid of the damaged ends.
Dealing with two different textures may be difficult for some, however, there are tips you can follow to make your transitioning journey easier to deal with:
- Deep condition regularly and alternate between moisturizing and protein
treatments. Our Rose Hydrating Conditioner and Milk Strengthening Deep Conditioner are perfect to use.
- Handle your hair with care. Since your damaged hair is more delicate, you want to be gentle when detangling and manipulating it. Patience is key!
- Incorporate hot oil treatments into your regimen. These treatments can provide
nutrients for your hair and help promote growth. Our Herbal Hair & Scalp Oil is
great for this step.
How often you decide to trim your damaged hair is up to you. Make sure you see a professional or use the correct pair of shears if you plan on doing it at home.
The Big Chop
If transitioning isn’t the best option for you, then the next best thing is cutting all of your damaged hair and starting from scratch. Many women dread doing the big chop, however, it’s an opportunity to have a fresh start with new knowledge on how to properly care for your hair.
There are many cute styles you can do if you decide to cut all of your hair and you can always wear protective styles while it grows out to a comfortable length for you.
How to Prevent Damaged Hair
Having to start back at square one can be frustrating, however, you want to ensure that you don’t repeat the same mistakes in the future. If you want to avoid damaged hair and keep it healthy and flourishing, here are tips to practice:
- Keep your hair trimmed to prevent split-ends from causing more damage to your strands. How often you trim depends on the health of your hair.
- Wash your hair regularly with shampoo to remove product build-up and
maintain a healthy scalp. Our Lemon & Rosemary Clarifying Shampoo is great
to use when your hair needs a fresh start.
- Deep condition regularly and keep your hair moisturized. Dry hair can lead to
brittle ends which will eventually break off. A great moisturizer to use is our
Avocado Moisture Cream.
- Protect your hair every night with a satin bonnet or pillowcase.
- Don’t use heat often. When you do, make sure your hair is already in a healthy
state and that you use a protectant.
Your journey should always focus on health over length. Don’t be afraid to cut your hair when it’s damaged! I promise it will grow back and be healthier than ever once you follow these practices in your regimen.
Blog Post Contributor: @naturally_madisen